Wealthy people in the U.S. know what's best for public education.
Mark Zuckerberg, for example.
Mark founded a charitable (ah hem) foundation called Startup: Education in 2010. The fund now has one billion dollars to work with.
Some of the money was spent to fund "merit" bonuses for "high performing" teachers in New Jersey (NYT). Go reform!
Mark, welcome to the cast of Father Knows Best.* What took you so long?
* You're not familiar with the show, Father Knows Best? It's about a group of wealthy men who, clairvoyantly, know what's best for public education. In the show, we watch these self-appointed seers spend billions to capture state and civic actors to buy their vision and impose it on the rest of us. So much less messy than democracy. After all, Father...Knows...Best.
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